Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reading Response 5.2(EXTRA CREDIT): Teachers Evaluating Teachers

I chose this article because of the title basically. It sounded like an interesting concept and it caught my attention. My initial thoughts prior to reading the article were that teachers would observe other teachers in their classroom, similar to how principals observe classrooms now, and do a write-up on the good, bad, and ugly of that teachers class. I was correct in this assumption after reading the article. The program, adopted in a Cincinnati school district, had quality veteran teachers step outside of their classroom for two years to mentor beginning teachers. These quality vets also would assist veteran teachers who were becoming stagnant or having difficulties in their teaching methods. This is met with some resistance from unions, however, because of the opportunity for the "consulting teachers", the ones helping the new and reforming teachers, to recommend a reforming teacher for termination under the program's rules. Honestly, I think this type of system is a great idea. We have are students do peer review, and so why wouldn't it work for us? Also, the administrators aren't in classrooms anymore, any may not give appropriate or accurate feedback on your teaching.

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