Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reading Response 5: Getting to the Heart of Quality Teaching

This article basically summarizes everything that we have learned in the credential program, or have come to realized about schooling throughout our experiences. I chose this article because I thought it would give an insight into how all involved parties can work to improve teacher quality in their schools. However, this was not the case at all. This article discussed the "what" not the "how". That is, the article talked about the things that were wrong in schooling, and with teacher quality, but not how to fix it. It stated that the classroom sizes are too large, teachers don't have enough time, there are not enough teachers of color, the teachers are teaching to the test, and some teachers are too boring and irrelevant, etc, etc. Basically, in reading this article, I learned nothing new about the teaching profession and education field. This might be a good thing though. It is through the program at CSUSM that I have learned all of these things. So maybe, by me being bored with this article, the statement can be made that CSUSM is doing its job in that it is making the future educators that pass through their system aware of everything that is involved in education.

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