Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Classroom Discipline Plan

1) Classroom Expectations for Students:
  1. Listen when someone else is speaking
  2. Give your best effort
  3. Don't be afraid to fail
  4. Try everything before asking for help
  5. Be respectful of everyone
1: Logical - People will not listen to you. You will not learn important material.
2: Natural - You will not recieve an A in the class.
3: Natural - You will not learn from your mistakes. You will not grow as a person.
4: Logical - I will not be able to help you, since I do not know what you don't understand.
5: Logical - People will not respect you. You will have classroom liberties stripped from you.


  1. I especially like numbers three and four, they are so important in a math classroom. I really think if you teach students those things they will be much more successful in all of their classes.

  2. I absolutely agree with "Don't be afraid to fail". It seems like students often times are so afraid to fail that they erase right answers or they don't volunteer when they have great ideas.

  3. I also like the don't be afraid to fail one. It means that students need to take risks in the classroom by sharing their answers and having confidence.

  4. I agree with three and five. I often find students not trying (which ties into four) because they do not want to fail or get a wrong answer. I feel five is important because it will teach the students life long skills, help them be successful, and help with management in the classroom.

  5. I like your rules. They are necessary for a classroom to be effective. I really like that don't be afraid to fail is one of your rules. I also like your justifications for your rules, they make a lot of sense, and students will see that.

  6. I agree with your rule of don't be afraid to fail. I think it is important for students to realize that a classroom is the safe haven for their failures because it encourages learning!
