Friday, March 12, 2010

EDSS 530 Final


  1. It is neat that the student responded so well to what you said to him. Hopefully he continues to work hard for the rest of the semester!!!

  2. Your vision is very powerful and I can see you striving to accomplish it. I espcially like your attitude to helping seniors. Very gracious indeed. You know how thse seniors can be. Good luck in your endeavors. After TVHS we need to stay in touch.

  3. Anthony, I can't help but to question the current school system as well. I like how you offer examples of change rather than just insist that the system should be changed. Relevancy is crucial--for anyone, not just teenagers, so I like how you emphasize student connection to the material. Nice work on your essay!

  4. Anthony, I really appreciate your honesty and sincere desire to change the way we teach students and I think you are going to make a very positive impact on your students. I wish I had a math teacher like you in school!

  5. Bro, you and I ARE going to open our school. I wouldnt mind doing it with most of the people in the cohort. You know you can always count on me for collaboration, cause Im going to use you. Good luck finding a job.
